my sunshine


"if it doesn't work let's do it until it works. nothing is impossible if i think i can."

random yohan tmi

♡ he came from a family of taekwondo athletes
♡ he got his black belt at age 8
♡ has 2 younger sisters whom he adores so much

♡ his mbti is isfj-a (yes he's an introvert hhh)
♡ mint choco enthusiast
♡ not fond of extreme rides
♡ most probably sleeping or playing kart rider during his free time

♡ doesn't like pineapples on pizza
♡ fond of ryan (kakaotalk friends)
♡ will eat any food except skate. LOVES MEAT!!!!!
♡ his thigh measures 63.5 cm

"tomorrow is gonna be hard for us too anyway, so don't give up. don't be discouraged."

kim yohan is a 22 year old south korean singer and actor, currently a member of wei. he was a taekwondo national athlete, pursued the sport for 13 years before quitting because of injuries. he then joined produce x 101 where he finished 1st place and eventually became x1's center. prior to wei's debut, he had a lot of solo activities, one of which is his first digital single "no more", which gained almost 28k melon unique listeners ㅡ 2nd among 2020 rookie songs.